Jagatguru Srila Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati Goswami Prabhupad’s 150th Advent Commemoration celebration program was organized at Remuna, Balasore dated the 3rd of July in 2022. The Programme was well arranged at Gandhi Smriti Hall, Remuna, at the very beginning there was a grand Nagar Sankirtan with the holy presence of Srila Bhakti Sundar Sannasi Maharaj, the Acharya and president of Gaudiya Mission. After that, a religious assembly was also where holy kirtanas were performed. The chief guest of the programme was Sri Pratap Chandra Sarangi Hon’ble MLA of Balaswar. Other honorable guests were Srimad Baibhab Vaishnab Maharaj Sripad Bhakti Pramad Maharaj, B.S. Madhusudan Maharaj, etc. who enlightened the program by delivering their valuable speeches. A memento was represented in remembrance of Srila Prabhupad in that program. In the evening there was another Vaishnava assembly which was followed by a holy religious conference where Srila B.S. Sanyasi Maharaj, the Acharya and President of Gaudiya Mission made the programme really adorable. That time the special guest was the former MLA of Baleswar Sri Rabindra Kumar Jana. Besides, there were SPD. Bhakti Baibhav Maharaj, Spd Bhakti Rakshak Hrishikesh Maharaj, etc. All delivered their spiritual words lastly there was a mahashankirtana where the saints and devotees and great personalities performed activities and thus made the programme utterly memorable to all.
150th Advent Commemoration of Srila Prabhupad
Balasore, Odisha
Event Speakers
Sri Pratap Chandra Sarangi
Hon'ble MLA of Balasore
HDG Srila Bhaktisundar Sanyasi Goswami Maharaj
Acharya & President
Acharya & President of Gaudiya Mission