Jagatguru Srila Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati Goswami Prabhupad’s 150th Advent Commemoration celebration was held in Florida in the USA. On dated 27th of May 2024, with the bright presence and blessings of Acharya and President of Gaudiya Mission, B.S. Sanyasi Maharaj, the above-mentioned ceremony took place with its divine glory. The special guests of the assembly were Spd. Bhakti Rakshak Swami Maharaj and Shyamarani Dasi. The conference was arranged by Gaudiya Mission in South Florida Hindu temple Needless to say the program was highly enriched with the holy presence of a great holy presence of a great number of Saints, devotees, and all other dignified personalities.
150th Advent Commemoration of Srila Prabhupad
South Florida Hindu Temple, Florida, USA
Event Speakers
SPD Bhaki Rakshak Swami Maharaj
Guest Gaudiya Mission
Shyamarani Dasi
Guest Gaudiya Mission
HDG Srila Bhaktisundar Sanyasi Goswami Maharaj
Acharya & President
Acharya & President of Gaudiya Mission