Brajamandal Parikrama 4

Brajamandal Parikrama 4


Bahulavan, a charming forest near Mathura, holds significance in Vaishnavism, particularly in the Skanda Purana. It is now known as Bati and is situated between Radhakunda and Vrindavana. The forest contains two sacred ponds, Sankarnana-kunda and Mana-sarovara.

One notable story is about a cow named Bahula who faced a tiger attack. She promised the tiger to return after feeding her calf and consulting her master, a Brahmana. Both the cow and the Brahmana were willing to sacrifice themselves. However, Sri Krishna intervened, and the tiger’s heart softened, allowing all three to return safely. Bahulavana also includes Sri Radha-Kunda, where people traditionally bathe on Bahulastami. It’s a place of great natural beauty.

Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu visited Bahulavana and was deeply moved by its beauty. Cows in the area showed affection by surrounding and licking him. Mahaprabhu’s ecstatic emotions were contagious, affecting the entire environment. Trees, animals, and even inanimate objects echoed his cries of “Krsna, Krsna.” During his visit, Mahaprabhu observed a loving quarrel between a male and female parrot (suka and sari) regarding the glories of the divine couple, Sri Radha-Krsna. Their quarrel eventually turned into a harmonious glorification of the Youthful Couple.

Mukhrai(Radharani’s maternal uncle’s house)

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