Putrada Ekadashi

Fasting of Putrada Ekadashi
21 January 2024 (Sunday)
Paran: Paran of Ekadashi Vrat the next day between 6.20 AM and 9.59 AM.

(Do’s and Don’ts on Ekadashi)

Ekadashi is a lunar day. Ekadashi Tithi of Moon’s Sukla and Krishna Paksha is considered Punyatithi according to Hinduism. According to Hinduism, Nirambu fasting is prescribed for widows, especially upper-caste widows, on this day. However, anyone can observe Ekadashi, irrespective of caste and gender. Fruits, various vegetables, and milk can be consumed during this time. However, on Ekadashi, it is recommended to abstain from Pancharavi grains.

Now let’s see which five types of Ravishya are forbidden on Ekadashi:

1. All types of rice like rice, muri, chira, semolina, pies, khichuri, rice cake, khai, etc.

2. All types of wheat-based foods like flour, flour, semolina, bakery bread, all types of biscuits, Horlicks, etc.

3. All kinds of food, such as barley or maize like chhatu, bhai, bread, etc.

4. All types of pulses like mung, maskalai, kesari, musuri, chickpea, arahar, peas, beans, etc.

5. Mustard oil, soybean oil, sesame oil, etc. (Taking any of the above five Ravishasyas on any Ekadashi will invalidate the vow.)

Today is the worship of Chakradhari Shri Vishnu. Bathing in Panchamrita. Naivedya – Food, dishes, fried food, vegetables, pulses, amla, curd, milk, curd, paramanna, laddu, apoopa, sweets, various fruits and various fragrances will offer flower garlands. Bhogarati, Nam-Sankirtan, dance songs, hymns, and dandavatadi will be performed in the afternoon. Then the Chakradhari will hear the glories of Lord Vishnu.

opening hymn-
Anadi Nidhnang Vishnung Trilokeshang Trivikram,
Narayanang Chaturbbahung Shankha Chakra Gadadharam.
Pitambarang Nityang Banmala Vibhushitam
Srivatsankong Jagatsetung Srikrishnan Sridharang Harim.

In Srimad Bhagavata Mahapurana Suta Shaunak Sanbad, there was a mountain called ‘Trikoot’ surrounded by the ocean of milk and the Ayut Yojana high and very beautiful scenery. That mountain had three peaks of gold, silver, and iron. Various kinds of metal were adorning the mountain valleys. There were many trees, vines, bushes, and fountains. Gandharva, Siddha, Charana, Kinnar, and Vidyadhara were living in the cave province of that mountain.

A large lake was adorning the top of the three mountains. On the banks of the lake there was a large dense forest. A drunken Kariraj lived in that forest. He had thousands of wives, sons, and daughters. Lions, tigers, and cows stayed far away in fear of the intoxicated Kariraj.

Once the intoxicated Kariraj Nidagh got angry, and started moving his wife and sons in the lake. A huge Kumbhir lived in the lake. Enraged at having ruined his house, the Kumbhir came running and bit Kariraj’s leg. Gradually war started between both. The war continued for many days. Heroic sons, daughters, and wives started helping Hastiraj. But it did not benefit Kariraj. The wife and sons were defeated and gradually all started leaving the place. Gajraj’s deity was not favourable, Kumbhir became weak day by day due to fasting. Gajraj Banchar, Kumbhir Jalchar, and Kumbhir’s strength remained intact.

Gajraj’s sons and wives gradually all left Gajraj. Gajaraj’s strength became weak, then darkness appeared all around.

No one helps a living being during its death. Antaryami Srihari was the only helper. He is the friend, friend and teacher of living beings. He never abandons the living being. But the creature forgets him.

Gajraj began to say to himself,

Sansāra sansāra karē michē gēla kāla.

Lābha nā haila kichu ghaṭila jañjāla..

Kisēra sansāra ē’i chāẏābāji prāẏa.

Ihātē mamatā kari br̥thā dina yāẏa

(Mahajan Giti)

Death in front of Gajaraj, there is no other way to escape from it. Nayan’s chest is floating in the water. At such times of Mahratta Gajaraj, the name of Nath Srinarayan was remembered.

Srimannarayan Srimannarayan.
Srimannarayan Srimannarayan.

His name is remembered in the Sukriti of the past. Gajaraja was a king named Indradyumna, ruler of Dravida in his previous birth. He left home, son and wife etc. to worship Hari, became a forest dweller, shunned all company and meditated on worshiping Sri Hari. Once Mahamuni Agastya came to his ashram with many disciples. King Mahamuni came out but did nothing to welcome him. Munivar cursed him at the sight of such immorality—you will be born in Hastiyoni. The elephant’s body is big, eyes are small, you are doing big but the eyes of virtue are empty. Maharaj asked forgiveness of the crime at Munibar’s feet. then Munibar said, When Shrihri Sudarshan Chakra rescues you from danger with your own hands, you will be rescued.

When Gajaraja began chanting all the names of Sree Narayana loudly, immediately Sri Vishnu came there mounted on Garuda cut Kumbhir with his chakra, and took Gajaraja with his left hand and saved him. By the touch of the Lord’s hand, Gajaraja attained quadrature, i.e. Svarupya attained liberation.

Kumbhirati was born as a gandharb named ‘Huhu’. He once laughed at a Brahmavid Dwija. For that crime, he got Kumbhir Yoni. In Vishnu’s chakra, Kumbhir became the yoni. He happily went to Gandharbalok.

After Gajaraja Sarupya was released, he began to praise Lord Vishnu, thus:

Ōhē dīnabandhu dīnanātha bhagabāna.

Tōmāra caraṇayuga sadā kari dhyāna..

Tumi prabhu ē biśbēra sr̥ṣṭira kāraṇa.

Sthiti laẏa ādi hētu tumi nārāẏaṇa..

Janmādi rahita tumi sadā bidyamāna.

Taba abatāra līlā jībēra tāraṇa.. Acintya agamya tumi puruṣa uttama.

Brahmā śiba dhyēẏa tumi sabāra śaraṇa..

Biśbanātha tumi prabhu biśbatrāṇakārī.

Biśba jība hita lāgi abatāra dhārī.. Sarbbabhūta antaryyāmī sarbbādhyakṣa sbāmī.

Tōmāra caraṇa yugē bāra bāra nami..

Tumi sarbbasākṣī ha’ō antara bā’irē.

Tōmāra caritra nātha kē bujhitē pārē..

Tumi jība ātmāra anśī, tumi nārāẏaṇa.

Saccidānanda-sbarūpa ha’ō sabāra kāraṇa..

Tumi adhōkṣaja hari bhaktibēdya tumi.

Paśu prāẏa āmi ha’i ki kahiba sbāmī..

Bhakti binā daraśana tōmāra nā haẏa.

Kēbala jñānādi yōgē tōmā nā milaẏa..

Ōhē jagannibāsa jagannātha prabhō.

Bāra bāra nami padē ōhē nātha bibhō..

Those who listen to the stories and hymns of Gajaraj in Sri Haribasar will easily be freed from all sins and dangers and will attain liberation. Joy Chakradhari Shri Vishnu Key Joy.

Iti Putrada Ekadashi Tithi Basare Gaja-Mokshana Katha concluded.


Jan 21 - 22 2024


4:00 am - 6:00 pm