This rehabilitation centre of this old-aged of the Society has been set up at GAUDIYA MISSION with an idea to take care of the old men and women who had given their best to the service of the family and the nation and later found themselves abandoned.
The setting up of this old age home meant to find a joyous life with fresh air and fresh food and a healthy ambience so that they may spend their final days of life in perfect happiness. They will have the feel of a family as some twenty seven members in the home will lead a collective life of sharing and caring. And being properly cooked after.
We are being able to give them a life of familial atmosphere in that area where they found an abode 27 members togetherly to share in their well and woes which is far way from a stinking atmosphere of flesh trading. They have found better living, a living with a touch of humanity from which they were bereaved from.
This is a capital project for old-aged persons that would include a regular attention to spiritual life for ‘atma-kalyan’ which would enhance and sustain their remaining life with honour. Old age home provides free accommodation including meal to economically weaker men and women who are of the age of sixty-five years or more.

Old Age Home

Relife Activity
Free Food to the Poor : Throughout the year free food (Mahaprasada) is distributed to the poor through different branches and also by organising camps at different areas of the country. The Mission is also giving importance to the welfare of the women and children. Home for the orphans and shelter for homeless women are established at Pailan recently. Other activities for the financial and social improvement of the Child and women are being organized from time to time.
Aid to Victims of Natural Calamities : The Gaudiya Mission also extends its helping hand to the victims of natural calamities by providing them food, shelter and cloths. It has numerous Charitable Dispensaries around India to care the poor patients with free medical treatments and medicine and also has medical vans to distribute medicine in interior part. Flood relief, earthquake relief etc., to the victims are the usual duty of the Mission. Plantation of trees and animal husbandry are also some of the major activities of the mission to control the environmental balance.
The saints travell long, risking their life, to stretch out their helping hands to reach the suffering people, victims of Natural calamities with foods, clothing and shelters and stands beside them to rehabilitate properly.
Other Performances
Apart from the above yearly devotional functions, the Mission organises some philanthropic activities to help the poor and the down trodden viz. distribution of food & clothings to the poor & floodsticken, medicines to the population suffering from contaminated diseases.
At Kurukshetra the Mission celebrates Sri Geeta Jayanti with great pomp and show. A food distribution Camp on the occasion of the Solar eclipse is also carried on. Warm clothes to the poors are distributed in cold places. All these activities are performed with full devotion to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna.
Free Distribution of Cloths
Free Distribution of Cloths are being organized between the poorest section of the society through the branch centers and also by making camps at different areas of the country.

Cloth Distribution

Leprosy Asylum
Leprosy Hospital: Lepers are totally neglected by the society . To extend a nurturing help to them two leprosy centers at Orissa are being run. Hundreds of patients are provided with shelter, food and medicines at these centers.
We appeal to you to show compassion towards the suffering humanity. Rest assured your generosity would bring to you the mercy of the Supreme Lord.
1. Artashram (Laper Asylum),Sri Purusottam Math,
Chatak Rarvat,
P. O. Puri, Orissa.
Alalnath, P. O. : Brahmagiri,
Puri, Orissa.
Lord Krishna’s love for Cows
Lord Krishna is called Gopala, the protector of cows. Srila Rupa Goswamipad describes His transcendental Form as a cowherd, covered with the dust raised by the hooves of cows. All the nine lakh cows in His father’s cowshed received his personal attention and loving care. Thus, by his own example, Lord Krishna teaches the importance of caring for cows. He upholds these harmless and vulnerable animals as symbol of pure maternal love and hence their service.
Mission’s contribution to cow welfare
In the Goshalas (cowsheds) of the Mission, the cows are offered clean shelter are fed grass, fodder, vegetables, jaggery and prasadam of Lord Krishna. The shelters provide protection even during adverse conditions like heavy rains and floods. The cows live the entire duration of their lives peacefully. All their needs including general health and breeding are looked after with due care and affection.
Special attention is given to the comfort of the cows in the hot summer months. The calves drink milk from their mothers till they are fit and strong. The well cared cows supply milk that is used in the service of deity and vaishnavas. They are always milked by hand. The Panca-gavya, five products of milk, yoghurt, ghee, cowdung and cow urine received from the cow are used in all ceremonies performed according to the Vedic traditions.
Sponsor Krishna’s cows and obtain His mercy!
1. Gaudiya Mission Go-Shala
Sri B. S. S. Gaudiya Math
Sarupganj, Nadia, W. B.
2. Gaudiya Mission Go-Shala
Sri Gaudiya Math
Baghbazar, Kolkata
3. Gaudiya Mission Go-Shala
SriRupa Gaudiya Math
77, Tularam Bagh, Allahabad, U.P.
4. Gaudiya Mission Go-Shala
Chatak Parvat, Gourdatsahi
Puri, Orissa.
5. Gaudiya Mission Go-Shala
Motinagar, Lucknow
Uttar Pradesh
6. Gaudiya Mission Go-Shala
Sri Vyas Gaudiya Math
Kurukshetra, Haryana
7. Gaudiya Mission Go-Shala
Sri Radhakunj Gaudiya Math
Konoi Rd., Radhakunda, Mathura, U.P.
8. Gaudiya Mission Go-Shala
Chatak Parvat, Gourdatsahi