Mega Prasadam Hall

Mega Prasadam Hall

It is the birthplace of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu where he spent 24 years of his life out of 48 years and held various past-times. Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu is the combined form of Sri Radha and Krishna, the Supreme Lord. Nabadwip-Mayapur Dham is revered as Vraj-Dham, in some senses, it is more merciful than the latter because the latter shelters only the liberated souls but the former holds especially the conditioned souls. Without the mercy of Gaur-Dham, nobody can enter into Vraj-Dham. The service of Gaur-Dham is identical to the service of Supreme Lord Sri Krishna and Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu.

The Dham Seva is the key to the liberation from material bondage and to entering into the transcendental kingdom of the Supreme Lord. By Dham Seva, we can fulfill all our desires as the scriptures say.

Significance of Mahaprasadam

hridi roopam mukhe nama naivedyam udare hare
pädodakam cha nirmalyam yasya moordhni sa vaishnava

If someone idolises Hari in his heart, chants the name of Hari, takes prasad of Hari, drinks Charanamritam, and honors the garland of Hari as His blessings, he becomes pure as Lord Vishnu.

With the blessings of the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna, we take pleasure and privilege to inform you that under the gracious guidance of our present Acharya & President Om Vishnupad Paramhansa 108 Sri Srimad Bhakti Sundar Sanyasi Goswami Maharaj and by recommendations of the Governing Body of Mission, a large, spacious & well- planned Mahaprasadam Hall (Dining Hall) has been proposed to be built.

It will be built up upon an area of land measuring 20000 sqft for serving the Mahaprasadam of Lord Sri Krishna at Srimad Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Gaudiya Math, Swarupganj, Nadia, the only branch of Gaudiya Mission at Nabadwip-Mayapur (Godrum Dham), the birthplace of Lord Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu.

Work on Progress


  • The total area of the five-story building is 100000 sqft.
  • More than 3000 devotees can have Prasadam at a time in the Prasadam Hall.
  • The foundation stone of the said Mahaprasadam Hall was laid last year on the auspicious occasion of the Sri Gaur Jayanti festival.
  • The estimated cost for the construction of such a helpful and massive Dining Hall is 5 crores, and the cost of the whole building stands at 10 crores.Therefore, it is our humble request and appeals to all of our beloved devotees and well-wishers to grab the pious and

One-Time golden opportunity by contributing a small donation
to ensure their own space at Goloka Dham.

Commemorative stones in the names and memories of dear ones can also be installed on request. We, therefore, once again, fervently solicit your participation liberally in our pious initiative.

Donation Details:

Bank Details :
Account Name: Srimad Bhaktsiddhanta Saraswati Gaudiya Math
Account No- 022601010103368
IFSC code- UTBIOSWA916 (Fifth Character is zero)

All Donations are exempted under the 80G Section of the I.T. Act of 1961. Both monetary and in the form of an article.

“Donate with Love and Devotion for the Large Mahaprasadam Hall”

Thanks and regards,
In the service of Lord Sri Krishna.

B.P. Puri Maharaj

Secretary, Gaudiya Mission

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