Gaudiya Mission Vidya Mandir

Gaudiya Mission Vidya Mandir

We take pleasure and privilege of informing you that under the gracious guidance of the present Acharya & President of Gaudiya Mission, Sri Srimad Bhakti Sundar Sanyasi Goswami Maharaj, and recommendations of the Governing Body of the Mission, we have embarked upon a unique project of establishment of a CBSC affiliated Co-Educational English medium Secondary School at Gadigacha, Swarupganj, Nadia, West Bengal from 2018-19 academic session.

The school runs on a no-profit no loss basis. Construction of the first phase of the (G+5) school building is in progress with the small donation received from some of our benevolent devotees after the approval of the school building plan by the competent Govt. Authority Nadia Zila Parishad.


The total estimated construction cost of the first phase of the school building (G+1, with foundation up to the 4th floor) has been pegged at 5 crores. The Mission’s philanthropic cause of school building could only see the light of day with the further generous donation of benevolent people of the society.

Therefore, we humbly appeal to all our beloved devotees and well-wishers to grab the pious opportunity by donating a small amount that they can afford for this unique project and be a part of our effort to fulfilling the aspiration of rural students. We fervently solicit you to be part of this noble project and fulfill the aspiration of rural students to receive education in English Medium.

Aims of the School

  • Offer English Medium education to children from rural and weaker sections of society. Impart value-based education to make the children as
    future-ready responsible citizens
  • Fostering academic excellence, to ensure holistic growth in every student to help him become self-reliant. Special training to the students in debate, painting,
    music, dance, sports, fitness training/Yoga would be part of the learning at the school.
  • Vocational training to deserving students.

Students will have exposure to the teaching of Mahaprabhu on
Unity and universal brotherhood.

Donation Details:

Schemes Available

Chief  Patron               :  Donation of 11 Lakh and above

Chief  Sponsor            :  Donation of  5  Lakh

Co- Sponsor               :  Donation of  2  Lakh

Associate Sponsor    :  Donation of  1  Lakh


Offer a Room for the School

1 School Office Room (1500 sq.ft.)    : 22,50,000

1 Library Room (700 sq.ft.)                : 10,50,000

1 Health Check-up Room (600 sq.ft.):   9,00,000

8 Classrooms (500 sq.ft. each)          :   7,50,000

1 Teachers Room (400 sq.ft.)            :   6,00,000

1 VC Room (250 sq.ft.)                       :   3,75,000

1 Principal Room (200 sq.ft.)              :   3,00,000

1 Gaudiya Mission Office (100 sq.ft.) :   1,50,000

You may also serve the cause by donating a square feet

50 sq. ft.           75,000             14 sq. ft.           21,000

34 sq. ft.           51,000               7 sq. ft.           11,000

21  sq. ft.          31,000                Other Amount    …….

Those donating  11,000 & below  1 Lakh Will be treated as Special Donors


Bank  Details :

Bank Name : Panjab National Bank, Swarupganj  Branch, Nadia.
A\c Name     : 0226010278478
IFSC Code   :  PUNB0022620

Donate online via SBI collect : | sbicollect | icollecthome.htm? cropID= 2952757 

All Donations are exempted under the 80G Section of the I.T. Act of 1961.


Thanks and regards,
Always in the service of the Almighty,
B.P. Puri Maharaj
Secretary, Gaudiya Mission

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