Brajamandal Parikrama Day 9



Kedarnath is closely associated with Lord Shiva, one of the principal deities in the Hindu pantheon. The legend tells of the Pandavas, heroes of the ancient epic Mahabharata, who sought the blessings of Lord Shiva to atone for their sins after the Kurukshetra War. Lord Shiva, in the form of a bull (Nandi), evaded them and eventually submerged himself into the ground, leaving behind his hump at Kedarnath. The Pandavas, recognizing the divine presence, built a temple at the spot where Lord Shiva’s hump was believed to be. This temple is the sacred Kedarnath Temple we see today, housing a lingam, the symbolic representation of Lord Shiva.

Kedarnath’s story is not just a story; it is a testament to the enduring spiritual and cultural heritage of India. Pilgrims from far and wide visit Kedarnath to seek the blessings of Lord Shiva and to experience the awe-inspiring beauty of the Himalayan landscape, where myth and nature converge in a harmonious tapestry of devotion and natural wonder.


Lord Baladev’s footprint at Charanpahari:

The divine marks of the lotus feet of Lord Balaram in charanpahari. Lord Balaram is the brother of Lord Krishna. He is also knows as sambit shakti of Lord Krishna. He is guru tattwa. He is the elder brother of Lord Krishna and is often depicted holding a plow (hala) or a mace (gada). Baladeva symbolizes strength, agricultural abundance, and unwavering loyalty. He is considered the original spiritual guru, exemplifying dedication and servitude. Lord Baladeva’s association with Lord Krishna in their childhood adventures, particularly in Vrindavan, showcases the essence of brotherly love and companionship. His role as a protector and supporter of dharma (righteousness) adds to his significance. Devotees seek his blessings for strength, guidance, and spiritual insight, making him an essential figure in the pantheon of Hindu deities.

Lord Balaram's Foorprint at Charanpahari
Lord Balaram’s Footprint at Charanpahari

Cave of Boumasur:

Boumasur gupha
Boumasur gupha



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