Hare Krishna Temple

The temple that is at the centre of all ritual and spiritual activities at Gaudiya Mission, Baghbazar, is called Sri Sri Gaur Radha Binodanandaji Temple. It was founded by Srila Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati Prabhupad in 1930. Built in the typical Vaisnava temple architecture of “Garbhagriha” (Sanctum sanctorum) made of marble with eight side spires and a main central spire, this temple is a visual treat. As one stands facing the three deities of Lord Krishna in the middle, flanked by Srimati Radharani to the left and Sri Goursundar at the right, one is struck with indescribable joy and serenity at the sheer effulgence of the beauty of the deities. The ‘Bigrahas’are worshipped almost throughout the day, starting with ‘Ushakirtan’ and ‘Aarati’ at 4 A.M. The ‘Aarati’ at midday and in the evening and the Kirtana in the evening are open to public. The devotees congregate at the Natyamandra during the ‘Aarati’ sessions and take part in various activities relating to “Archan” (worship) like making garlands. The morning session of pathas or reading of Vaisnava Scriptures attended by the monastic members, the rhythmic dance along with ‘Kirtan’ during “garatis” are a really treat for the devotees.
Various Vaisnava festivals like Janmastami, Dolyatra and Chandanyatra are celebrated at this temple. All the basic purposes Srila Prabhupad wanted Gaudiya Mission to serve like totally dedicated service to the Supreme Lord and to spread Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu’s teachings are being fully implemented in the activities of the Sri Gaur Radha Binodanandaji temple.

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