The Name-Distinct From Words

The name ‘Krishna’ is spiritual (Vaikuntha) unlike a material or proper name which acts as a symbol for the object and not for the object itself, namely water, which by constant repetition will not quench thirst. ‘Krishna’ is not only the name the Lord Himself — One and the Same. The Lord with His Forms, Attributes, Lila, Entourage and all that is His is same and identical with the Holy Name. The name is not a mundane word with its defects and limitations but the transcendental sound of infinite Potency and Beauty. The Holy name of Krishna is not a mundane word with its defects and limitations but the transcendental sound of fathomless potency and beauty. Repeated chanting of the name Hare Krishna with total submission can freed one from sins (Aparadha) under the counsel of a Sat-Guru (true spiritual teacher), serve the Holy Lotus Feet of the Lord. Chanting the mantras satisfies the Lord and purifies the mind of Sevakas (devotees). The chanting and the service of the Lord can properly be practiced by assembling number of devotees under the care and discipline of a Sat-Guru living in a congenial atmosphere.



Mahaprabhu Sri Krishna Chaitanya has been delighted to proclaim with applause the saying of Brihad Naradiya Purana (38/126 Sloka) as in Sri Chaitanya Charitamrita, Adi, Chapter VII, Sloka 76:-

Harer nama Harer nama Harer namaiva kevalam 
Kalou nastyeva nastyeva nastyeva gatiranyatha

“The name of Hari, the name of Hari, Oh, the Name of Hari alone; nothing else in kaliyug, nothing else, Nothing Else can lead us to Goal.”

It is only a self-deception to think that other than Bhakti there is any method that is productive of the highest good. The devotion denoted by Kirtan is the strongest and the best, which gives Jivas the highest good with little effort on their part. Therefore, practicing Kirtan at all times to encourage Jivas, by right of soul’s kinship, turning them homeward is true universal love, true help offered to others, true kindness shown and the actual duty of life. . The Gaudiya Mission envelops the populace of the universe without any exception and hustle it requests mankind to turn their faces towards God and to become the followers of this Bhakti denoted by Kirtan.

It is only a self-deception to think that any other method except Bhakti is productive of the highest good. Among all other forms of devotion to God, the devotion denoted by Kirtan is the strongest and the best, which gives Jivas the highest good with little effort on their part. Therefore, practising Kirtan at all times to induce Jivas, by right of soul’s kinship, turning them homeward is true universal love, true help offered to others, true kindness shown and the true duty of life. The Gaudiya Mission embraces all the inhabitants of the universe. Without exception and with importunity it requests all to turn their faces towards God and to become the followers of this Bhakti denoted by Kirtan.

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