List of Guruparampara
- 1. Srila Jagannathadas Babaji
- 2. Srila Sachchidananda Bhaktivinode Thakur
- 3. Srila Gaurakisoradas Babaji
- 4. Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Goswami Prabhupad
- 5. Srila Bhaktiprasad Puri Goswami Thakur
- 6. Srila Bhaktipradipa Tirtha Goswami Maharaj
- 7. Srila Bhaktikeval Audulomi Goswami Maharaj
- 8. Srila Bhaktisirupa Bhagavata Goswami Maharaj
- 9. Srila Bhaktisuhrid Paribrajak Goswami Maharaj
- 10. Srila Bhaktisundar Sanyasi Goswami Maharaj
List of Guruparampara

Srila Jagannath Das Babaji Mahraj (C.1759 - 1894 A.D.)
Shrila Jagannatha Dasa Babaji Maharaja lived for one hundred forty-four years. He took diksha from Shri Madhusudana Dasa Babaji and did bhajana for many year at Surya Kunda in Vrindavana. Thakura Bhaktivinoda received valuable instructions on pure devotional service from Jagannatha Dasa Babaji.
His practice was to live six months in Shri Navadwipa dhama and six in Vraja mandala. "During his time," said Thakura Bhaktivinoda, "Shri Jagannatha Dasa Babaji was the.most advanced rasika Vaishnava in Gaura and Vraja mandalas, and Purushottam Kshetra (Jagannatha Puri)." Bhaktivinoda Thakura gave him the title Sarvabhauma, the chief of the Vaishnavas.
He was fond of chanting loudly in both japa and kirtana. During kirtana he would sing: Nitai ki nama enechi re! Ki nama enechi rei Ki nama diteche re! "0h Lord Nityananda, what a wonderful name You have brought. 0h Nitai, what a wonderful name You have given." After chanting almost the whole night, the next morning he would offer 1,108 dandavats to the Deities. He was always enthusiastic to serve the Vaishnavas.
He lived as an ascetic following a strict diet and the yearly Chaturmasya (four month fast). The first month he ate only four bananas in the evening; second month only guavas; third month only whey; fourth month only boiled banana flowers without salt.
Shrila Jagannatha Dasa Babaji Maharaja lived for one hundred forty-four years. He took diksha from Shri Madhusudana Dasa Babaji and did bhajana for many year at Surya Kunda in Vrindavana. Thakura Bhaktivinoda received valuable instructions on pure devotional service from Jagannatha Dasa Babaji.
His practice was to live six months in Shri Navadwipa dhama and six in Vraja mandala. "During his time," said Thakura Bhaktivinoda, "Shri Jagannatha Dasa Babaji was the.most advanced rasika Vaishnava in Gaura and Vraja mandalas, and Purushottam Kshetra (Jagannatha Puri)." Bhaktivinoda Thakura gave him the title Sarvabhauma, the chief of the Vaishnavas.
He was fond of chanting loudly in both japa and kirtana. During kirtana he would sing: Nitai ki nama enechi re! Ki nama enechi rei Ki nama diteche re! "0h Lord Nityananda, what a wonderful name You have brought. 0h Nitai, what a wonderful name You have given." After chanting almost the whole night, the next morning he would offer 1,108 dandavats to the Deities. He was always enthusiastic to serve the Vaishnavas.
He lived as an ascetic following a strict diet and the yearly Chaturmasya (four month fast). The first month he ate only four bananas in the evening; second month only guavas; third month only whey; fourth month only boiled banana flowers without salt.

Srila Sachidananda Bhaktivinod Thakur (1838 -1914 A.D)
Srila Bhaktivinod Thakura (1838-1914) is a prominent preceptor acharya in our succession of spiritual masters and disciples coming from Lord Krishna. He was a pioneering spiritual leader, a householder, a magistrate working in colonial India under the British rule, a prolific preacher, writer, and poet. He wrote volumes of books reintroducing the pure teachings of Lord Chaitanya at a time when those teachings had practically become lost. He composed hundreds of devotional songs glorifying Krishna to uplift the consciousness of the suffering people of this world. He corresponded with philosophers, theologians, leaders, scholars, and professors of his time and sent books, including The Life and Precepts of Lord Chaitanya, to university libraries in foreign countries, planting the seeds for a worldwide movement of Krishna consciousness. Bhaktivinod Thakura discovered and excavated the birthplace of Lord Chaitanya. Along with his devoted wife, Bhagavati Devi, he raised ten children, including the illustrious Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakura, who would become a great spiritual leader in his own time and the spiritual master of ISKCON's founder-acharya, His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada.
Above all, Bhaktivinod Thakura taught devotion to Krishna by his personal example. His life story, excerpted below, demonstrates a tremendous amount of courage, character, and perseverance in the face of many difficulties and gives hope to those of us who may be wondering just how to find the time to serve Lord Sri Krishna, His holy names, and His devotees in our ever so busy lives.
Srila Bhaktivinod Thakura (1838-1914) is a prominent preceptor acharya in our succession of spiritual masters and disciples coming from Lord Krishna. He was a pioneering spiritual leader, a householder, a magistrate working in colonial India under the British rule, a prolific preacher, writer, and poet. He wrote volumes of books reintroducing the pure teachings of Lord Chaitanya at a time when those teachings had practically become lost. He composed hundreds of devotional songs glorifying Krishna to uplift the consciousness of the suffering people of this world. He corresponded with philosophers, theologians, leaders, scholars, and professors of his time and sent books, including The Life and Precepts of Lord Chaitanya, to university libraries in foreign countries, planting the seeds for a worldwide movement of Krishna consciousness. Bhaktivinod Thakura discovered and excavated the birthplace of Lord Chaitanya. Along with his devoted wife, Bhagavati Devi, he raised ten children, including the illustrious Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakura, who would become a great spiritual leader in his own time and the spiritual master of ISKCON's founder-acharya, His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada.
Above all, Bhaktivinod Thakura taught devotion to Krishna by his personal example. His life story, excerpted below, demonstrates a tremendous amount of courage, character, and perseverance in the face of many difficulties and gives hope to those of us who may be wondering just how to find the time to serve Lord Sri Krishna, His holy names, and His devotees in our ever so busy lives.

Srila Gaur Kishore Das Babaji Maharaj (C. 1838-1915 A.D)
Om Vishnupad 108 Tridandi Swami Sri Srimad Bhakti Sravan Tirtha Goswami Maharaj ki Jai !!
Srila Gaur Kishore das babaji appeared over one hundred years ago in the district of Faridpur next to a place called Tepakhola in the village of Vagyana, which is situated on the shore of the Padma River in what is today Bangladesh.
Srila Gaur Kishore das was born in a mercantile family and was nicknamed Vamsidasa by his father (not to be confused with Vamsi dasa babaji). During boyhood, his mother and father arranged for an early marriage. He remained in household life until he was 29 years old. As a householder he worked as a trader in the grain business. After the death of his wife, Srila Gaur Kishore das left his business and approached Srila Bhagavat dasa babaji in order to accept the traditional Vaisnava babaji initiation.
After taking babaji initiation from Srila Bhagavat dasa babaji, who was a disciple of Srila Jagannatha dasa babaji, Srila Gaur Kishore das travelled from village to village in Vrindavan, continually performing solitary worship of Lord Krsna for 30 years.
During this time he would sometimes travel to the holy places in northern India as well as in the nine islands of Navadvipa. He associated with other famous devotees such as Sri Svarup das babaji in Jagannatha Puri, Sri Bhagavan das babaji in Kalana, and Sri Chaitanya das babaji in Kuliya.
Om Vishnupad 108 Tridandi Swami Sri Srimad Bhakti Sravan Tirtha Goswami Maharaj ki Jai !!
Srila Gaur Kishore das babaji appeared over one hundred years ago in the district of Faridpur next to a place called Tepakhola in the village of Vagyana, which is situated on the shore of the Padma River in what is today Bangladesh.
Srila Gaur Kishore das was born in a mercantile family and was nicknamed Vamsidasa by his father (not to be confused with Vamsi dasa babaji). During boyhood, his mother and father arranged for an early marriage. He remained in household life until he was 29 years old. As a householder he worked as a trader in the grain business. After the death of his wife, Srila Gaur Kishore das left his business and approached Srila Bhagavat dasa babaji in order to accept the traditional Vaisnava babaji initiation.
After taking babaji initiation from Srila Bhagavat dasa babaji, who was a disciple of Srila Jagannatha dasa babaji, Srila Gaur Kishore das travelled from village to village in Vrindavan, continually performing solitary worship of Lord Krsna for 30 years.
During this time he would sometimes travel to the holy places in northern India as well as in the nine islands of Navadvipa. He associated with other famous devotees such as Sri Svarup das babaji in Jagannatha Puri, Sri Bhagavan das babaji in Kalana, and Sri Chaitanya das babaji in Kuliya.

Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura Prabhupad (1874 - 1937)
Today is the anniversary of the day of separation from nitya-lila pravista om vishnupada astottara-shata Shri Shrimad Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Gosvami Prabhupad. It is the day of pancami, and he also appeared on pancami. He took birth in the home of Bhaktivinoda Thakura, who is an eternal associate of both Shri Krishna and Shri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Just as the sage Bhagiratha brought the Ganga to this world, Bhaktivinoda Thakura was the great personality who brought the current of bhakti to this world in the modern era. When the so-called gosvamis were making a business out of bhakti while engaging in varieties of worldly enjoyment, when in the name of Mahaprabhu so many kinds of bogus philosophies were prevalent, such as sakhi-beki, smarta-jati, sahajiya, etc. – at that time Shrila Bhaktivinoda Thakura came. After that, Prabhupad appeared in the form of his son, Bimala Prasada. If these two great personalities had not appeared, then shuddha-bhakti would not exist in the world today. And from the time that they disappeared, society began reverting back to its previous condition. At first there were thirteen known sahajiya cults, then our Guru Maharaja, Shrila Bhakti Prajnana Keshava Gosvami, counted thirty-nine. And how many there are now, no one knows.
Meeting with scholars, educators, and other leaders and writing over 108 essays and books, he strove to present Krishna consciousness as a science to be highly esteemed. He established 64 temples, known as Gaudiya Maths, inside and outside of India.
We celebrate the 150th Appearance Day of Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakur with kirtans, bhajans, a special class, guru puja, pushpanjali and a drama.
Today is the anniversary of the day of separation from nitya-lila pravista om vishnupada astottara-shata Shri Shrimad Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Gosvami Prabhupad. It is the day of pancami, and he also appeared on pancami. He took birth in the home of Bhaktivinoda Thakura, who is an eternal associate of both Shri Krishna and Shri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Just as the sage Bhagiratha brought the Ganga to this world, Bhaktivinoda Thakura was the great personality who brought the current of bhakti to this world in the modern era. When the so-called gosvamis were making a business out of bhakti while engaging in varieties of worldly enjoyment, when in the name of Mahaprabhu so many kinds of bogus philosophies were prevalent, such as sakhi-beki, smarta-jati, sahajiya, etc. – at that time Shrila Bhaktivinoda Thakura came. After that, Prabhupad appeared in the form of his son, Bimala Prasada. If these two great personalities had not appeared, then shuddha-bhakti would not exist in the world today. And from the time that they disappeared, society began reverting back to its previous condition. At first there were thirteen known sahajiya cults, then our Guru Maharaja, Shrila Bhakti Prajnana Keshava Gosvami, counted thirty-nine. And how many there are now, no one knows.
Meeting with scholars, educators, and other leaders and writing over 108 essays and books, he strove to present Krishna consciousness as a science to be highly esteemed. He established 64 temples, known as Gaudiya Maths, inside and outside of India.
We celebrate the 150th Appearance Day of Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakur with kirtans, bhajans, a special class, guru puja, pushpanjali and a drama.

Sri Srimad Bhakti Prasad Puri Goswami Thakur (1895-1958)
Srila Bhakti Prasad Puri Goswami Thakur, an eternal intimate associate of Sri Sri Gour-Krishna, appeared on 25th August, 1895 and disappeared on 8th March, 1958, He descended from Golok (the Eternal Abode of Krishna) to Bhulok (this earth) at the behest of the Supreme Lord in order to preserve the Divine Line of Thakur Bhaktivinode. After the disappearance of his most beloved Gurudeva, Om Vishnupad 108 Sri Sripad Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati Goswami Thakur in 1937, he emerged as the next Spiritual Head of the Mission . He was unanimously accepted as the worthy Successor to Srila Saraswati Thakur. Srila Bhakti Prasad Puri Goswami Thakur (His Brahmachari-name being Srila Ananta Vasudeva Paravidyabhusan Prabhu) appeared as a God-sent Jagat-Guru or Universal Master in the Preceptorial Line of Succession that started from the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna Himself. He came as a Divine Messenger in the “Amnaya Dhara” carrying the lofty truths direct form the Lord to the people of this world. He was lovingly called “Srila Acharyadeva” by his devotees.
Details about his holy life will be found in the book, The Preceptorial Line of Succession and Srila Acharyadeva by Prof. R. P. Sasmal.
Srila Bhakti Prasad Puri Goswami Thakur, an eternal intimate associate of Sri Sri Gour-Krishna, appeared on 25th August, 1895 and disappeared on 8th March, 1958, He descended from Golok (the Eternal Abode of Krishna) to Bhulok (this earth) at the behest of the Supreme Lord in order to preserve the Divine Line of Thakur Bhaktivinode. After the disappearance of his most beloved Gurudeva, Om Vishnupad 108 Sri Sripad Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati Goswami Thakur in 1937, he emerged as the next Spiritual Head of the Mission . He was unanimously accepted as the worthy Successor to Srila Saraswati Thakur. Srila Bhakti Prasad Puri Goswami Thakur (His Brahmachari-name being Srila Ananta Vasudeva Paravidyabhusan Prabhu) appeared as a God-sent Jagat-Guru or Universal Master in the Preceptorial Line of Succession that started from the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna Himself. He came as a Divine Messenger in the “Amnaya Dhara” carrying the lofty truths direct form the Lord to the people of this world. He was lovingly called “Srila Acharyadeva” by his devotees.
Details about his holy life will be found in the book, The Preceptorial Line of Succession and Srila Acharyadeva by Prof. R. P. Sasmal.

Srila Bhakti Pradip Tirtha Goswami Maharaj.1877-1953
Shri Bhakti Pradeep Maharaj was born in Sandvipa Hatiya or village Jhala in Noakhali district of Bangladesh. His father's name was Rajnikant Basu and his successor's name was Bidhumukhi. Rajinikanth was a government employee and a disciple of the Goswami family of Baganpada. Rajinikanth and his wife or both of them would have been initiated by Bhakti Vinod Thakur. At the end of his life, Rajinikanth accepted the vow of Babaji from the devotional principle Saraswati and Bidhumukhi spent his last days in Navadvipat.
Lahanapani Bhakti Pradeep Teerth Maharajanna Jagadisa Mahat. After obtaining the degree from Calcutta University, Jagadisa worked as a teacher and was relieved in Calcutta along with his wife. His brother-in-law, Ananta Vasudev, was famous by the name Bhaktiprasad Puri Goswami.
25 March 1910 Rosy Dhubulia Railway Station Kavarun Nightana I.S. Jagadisa, along with Vaikunthanath Ghoshal Bhakti Tattva Vakaspati, went to Mayapurala on the occasion of the anniversary of the appearance of Lord Chaitanya. There he met his devotee Vinoda Thakuranshi for the first time. Te Mahaprabhu Mandira near Basun Siddhant used to give lectures in the presence of Saraswati, Jatindranath, Chaudhary, Takiche Zamindar and other devotees.
In 1940, Shri Bhaktiprasad Puri left for Vrindavanla. In the first annual general meeting held at Sri Chaitanya Math in 1941 (February-March), Sri Bhakti Pradeep Tirtha Maharaj was elected as the President of Gaudiya Mission. At the age of 82, he went to Purushottama Mathat in Jagannath area, where, as per the collective advice of some of his gurus, he remained immersed in meditation till his death on the auspicious full moon date of the month of Agrahayana (November-December). ) in 1954.
Shri Bhakti Pradeep Maharaj was born in Sandvipa Hatiya or village Jhala in Noakhali district of Bangladesh. His father's name was Rajnikant Basu and his successor's name was Bidhumukhi. Rajinikanth was a government employee and a disciple of the Goswami family of Baganpada. Rajinikanth and his wife or both of them would have been initiated by Bhakti Vinod Thakur. At the end of his life, Rajinikanth accepted the vow of Babaji from the devotional principle Saraswati and Bidhumukhi spent his last days in Navadvipat.
Lahanapani Bhakti Pradeep Teerth Maharajanna Jagadisa Mahat. After obtaining the degree from Calcutta University, Jagadisa worked as a teacher and was relieved in Calcutta along with his wife. His brother-in-law, Ananta Vasudev, was famous by the name Bhaktiprasad Puri Goswami.
25 March 1910 Rosy Dhubulia Railway Station Kavarun Nightana I.S. Jagadisa, along with Vaikunthanath Ghoshal Bhakti Tattva Vakaspati, went to Mayapurala on the occasion of the anniversary of the appearance of Lord Chaitanya. There he met his devotee Vinoda Thakuranshi for the first time. Te Mahaprabhu Mandira near Basun Siddhant used to give lectures in the presence of Saraswati, Jatindranath, Chaudhary, Takiche Zamindar and other devotees.
In 1940, Shri Bhaktiprasad Puri left for Vrindavanla. In the first annual general meeting held at Sri Chaitanya Math in 1941 (February-March), Sri Bhakti Pradeep Tirtha Maharaj was elected as the President of Gaudiya Mission. At the age of 82, he went to Purushottama Mathat in Jagannath area, where, as per the collective advice of some of his gurus, he remained immersed in meditation till his death on the auspicious full moon date of the month of Agrahayana (November-December). ) in 1954.

HDG Srila Bhakti Kevala Audulomi Goswami Maharaj 1895-1982
In order to prove that spiritual practice may need a lot of adjustment within our lives, Srila Bhakti Kevala Audolumi Goswami Maharaj, a spiritual descendent of Lord Caitanya’s lineage, appeared on the 9th of December 1895, on the eighth day of the waning moon cycle in the village of Vanaripara, Barishal district in current day Bangladesh. His father and mother were Sri Sarat Chandra Guha and Srimati Bhuvanmohini Devi, respectively. His parents and other family members named the newborn baby, Pramodebihari.
In 1958, Srila Audulomi Goswami Maharaj established an ecstatic devotional temple in the name of ‘Sri Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Gaudiya Math’ just next to Srila Bhaktivinode Thakur’s Bhajan Kutir in Godrumdwip, the island that represents the performance of sankirtan. For almost 28 years, Srila Bhakti Kevala Audulomi Goswami Maharaj ecstatically ran devotional programs under his supervision amongst all branches of the Gaudiya Mission. On the 6th day of January 1982, the truth of the mortal world manifested; on this day, the visible, transcendental physical body of Srila Audolumi Goswami Maharaj passed away from us. His holy body was buried (samadhi) in the temple campus of Sri Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Gaudiya Math, Godrumdwip.
In order to prove that spiritual practice may need a lot of adjustment within our lives, Srila Bhakti Kevala Audolumi Goswami Maharaj, a spiritual descendent of Lord Caitanya’s lineage, appeared on the 9th of December 1895, on the eighth day of the waning moon cycle in the village of Vanaripara, Barishal district in current day Bangladesh. His father and mother were Sri Sarat Chandra Guha and Srimati Bhuvanmohini Devi, respectively. His parents and other family members named the newborn baby, Pramodebihari.
In 1958, Srila Audulomi Goswami Maharaj established an ecstatic devotional temple in the name of ‘Sri Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Gaudiya Math’ just next to Srila Bhaktivinode Thakur’s Bhajan Kutir in Godrumdwip, the island that represents the performance of sankirtan. For almost 28 years, Srila Bhakti Kevala Audulomi Goswami Maharaj ecstatically ran devotional programs under his supervision amongst all branches of the Gaudiya Mission. On the 6th day of January 1982, the truth of the mortal world manifested; on this day, the visible, transcendental physical body of Srila Audolumi Goswami Maharaj passed away from us. His holy body was buried (samadhi) in the temple campus of Sri Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Gaudiya Math, Godrumdwip.

Srila Bhakti Srirup Bhagavata Goswami Maharaj 1906-1993
Amongst the uncountable rays of Lord Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, one of His most valuable rays is Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Goswami Thakur Prabhupada (Srila Prabhupada) in this Age of turmoil (Kali-Yuga). Once, Srila Prabhupada was instructed by all of our previous teachers that he should spread the loving message of Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. Also, they assured to send the necessary manpower for assisting Srila Prabhupada. Srila Bhakti Srirup Bhagavata Goswami Maharaj (Srila Bhagavata Goswami Maharaj) was one amongst the significant manpower of Srila Prabhupada.
The final truth for all living beings is to leave their mortal body. Srila Bhagavata Goswami Maharaj’s visible transcendental body left us on the 12th day of February 1993 from Mumbai temple but his devotional exemplary teachings are keeping him alive, eternally, in the heart of all Gaudiya devotees. Srila Bhagavata Goswami Maharaj’s tongue was dancing constantly with chanting of the Hare Krishna Mahamantra or Harikatha. He was one of the examples of ‘Kirtaniya Sada Hari’, which means eternally chanting the glories of Lord ‘Hari’ in the lineage of Srila Prabhupada.
According to the desire of Srila Bhagavata Goswami Maharaj, his visible transcendental body was buried in the premises of Sri Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakur Gaudiya Math, Godrumdwip, Swarupgunj, Nadia (W.B).
Amongst the uncountable rays of Lord Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, one of His most valuable rays is Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Goswami Thakur Prabhupada (Srila Prabhupada) in this Age of turmoil (Kali-Yuga). Once, Srila Prabhupada was instructed by all of our previous teachers that he should spread the loving message of Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. Also, they assured to send the necessary manpower for assisting Srila Prabhupada. Srila Bhakti Srirup Bhagavata Goswami Maharaj (Srila Bhagavata Goswami Maharaj) was one amongst the significant manpower of Srila Prabhupada.
The final truth for all living beings is to leave their mortal body. Srila Bhagavata Goswami Maharaj’s visible transcendental body left us on the 12th day of February 1993 from Mumbai temple but his devotional exemplary teachings are keeping him alive, eternally, in the heart of all Gaudiya devotees. Srila Bhagavata Goswami Maharaj’s tongue was dancing constantly with chanting of the Hare Krishna Mahamantra or Harikatha. He was one of the examples of ‘Kirtaniya Sada Hari’, which means eternally chanting the glories of Lord ‘Hari’ in the lineage of Srila Prabhupada.
According to the desire of Srila Bhagavata Goswami Maharaj, his visible transcendental body was buried in the premises of Sri Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakur Gaudiya Math, Godrumdwip, Swarupgunj, Nadia (W.B).